Product Care and Maintenance

Caring for Exotic Boots

How should I care for boots made with exotic leather?

Look for a cleaner and conditioner specifically made to care for exotic leather. Follow the instructions on the cleaner you purchase, and be sure to test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of leather before using it on the entire product.

How should I store my boots?

It's best to store your boots upright, in a cool, dry location. Your boots are meant to be worn, and materials will degrade even if the boots are left unopened in their original box.

Does Ariat offer replacement insoles?

We do sell replacement insoles here.

Does Ariat offer resoling or repairs on boots?

We partner with NuShoe to provide high-quality repairs, from zipper replacements to resoling, on most Ariat boots. Get pricing details and more here.

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